My Page

The My Page is your personal dashboard with important overarching project information, such as work package reports, news, spent time, or a calendar. It can be configured to your specific needs.

Topic Content
My Page introduction What is My Page and what can I do with it?
Configure the My Page How to add and edit widgets on My Page.
My spent time widget How to track spent time on My Page.

My Page introduction

My Page is your personal dashboard where you can display important information of your projects. This personal dashboard contains information from all your projects. My page can be configured according to your preferences. You can include project information, for example the latest news, work packages assigned to you or reported work packages.

You can open your My page by clicking on your user avatar in the upper right corner and then selecting My page from the dropdown menu.

navigate to my page

As a default, you will see two lists of all work packages assigned to you and work packages created by you from all your projects.

Default view of My Page in OpenProject

Configure the My Page

Configuring widgets on My Page in OpenProject

Add widgets

In order to add a widget to My Page, decide where you want to place the widget (above, below or between the existing widgets) hover to the respective location around the existing widgets. The + icon will appear automatically.

my page add widget

Press the plus icon and choose from a number of different widgets that can be included on your dashboard.

my page new widgets

For a detailed explanation of the widgets, visit the section in the project overview.

Change position of the widgets

You can change the position of a widget on the dashboard with drag and drop.

Click the dots next to the title and drag it to the new place.


Change the size of a widget

If you click the dots on the lower right hand corner in a widget you can change the size of a widget by pulling the widget left and right, up and down with the mouse.

Change widget size in OpenProject MyPage

Configure the view of a widget (for work package tables)

You can configure the view of a work package widget to have the information included that you need.

Work package is a subset of a project that can be assigned to users for execution, such as Tasks, Bugs, User Stories, Milestones, and more. Work packages have a type, an ID and a subject and may have additional attributes, such as assignee, responsible, story points or target version. Work packages are displayed in a project timeline (unless they are filtered out in the timeline configuration) - either as a milestone or as a phase. In order to use the work packages, the work package module has to be activated in the project settings.

change the size of a widget

On a work package widget, click on the button with the three dots and select Configure view…

You can configure the work package table (e.g. filter, group, highlight, sort) according to the filter, sorting and grouping criteria for work packages.


Remove a widget

To delete a widget from the dashboard, click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the widget and select Remove widget.

my page remove widget

My spent time widget

To track spent time, add the My spent time widget in the My Page.

You can directly create new time entries by clicking on the day, change the date with drag and drop, edit or remove time entries.

Watch the short video to see how to activate the spent time widget, add spent time, edit spent time (e.g. change the date or work packages or change the time booked) and delete spent time.

my page time log