Nextcloud integration setup

Topic Description
Required system versions Version requirements to enable the integration
Set up the integration Connect your Nextcloud and OpenProject instances as an administrator
Reset OAuth values Create and manage work package types.
Delete a Nextcloud file storage Create and manage work package status.
Using the integration Create and manage workflows for work packages in OpenProject.

OpenProject offers close integration with Nextcloud to allow users to:

  • Link files and folders stored in Nextcloud with OpenProject work packages
  • View, open and download files and folder linked to a work package via the Files tab
  • View all work packages linked to a file
  • View OpenProject notifications via the Nextcloud dashboard


This guide only covers the integration setup. Please go to our Nextcloud integration user guide to learn how to work with the Nextcloud integration after the setup.

Required system versions

OpenProject makes significant efforts to ensure that the integration works with all the latest stable versions. We strongly recommend continuously updating all systems to the current stable version. This ensures access to the latest features and prompt fixes for any potential bugs.

  • OpenProject latest release.
  • The officially minimal version of the OpenProject Integration Nextcloud app is 2.6.3.
  • Nextcloud version in the latest stable version.
    • If you run Nextcloud in the community edition be careful to not blindly follow the update hints in the administration area of a Nextcloud instance, as they nudge you to use the latest version, which might not be the latest stable version.
    • If you installed Nextcloud via the community docker image, we advise you to pin it to the stable tag.
    • Nextcloud company advises the use of there all-in-one docker image.
  • If you want to use the feature of automatically managed project folders you need to install the officially minimal supported version 14.0.9 of the Group folders app in Nextcloud.

Set up the integration


You need to have administrator privileges in both your Nextcloud and OpenProject instances to set up this integration.

Watch this video to find out how to set up the Nextcloud integration as an Administrator and as a user.

1. Add the “OpenProject Integration” app in Nextcloud and point it to your OpenProject instance

Start by opening your Nextcloud instance as an administrator.

Navigate to the Nextcloud app store by clicking on your avatar in the top right corner → Apps.

Go to the Nextcloud app store

On the left menu, click on Integration and look for the “OpenProject Integration” app.

You can also use the search field in the top right corner and type “OpenProject” to find it. Once you have found the app, click the Download and enable button.

Download and enable the OpenProject Integration app

Once the OpenProject Integration app is downloaded and enabled, navigate to the settings page by clicking on your avatar in the top right corner → Settings. On the left-side menu, click on OpenProject Integration

In the configuration page that appears, you’ll see a blank text field titled OpenProject host. Enter the address of the OpenProject instance you would like to connect with Nextcloud (including “https://”).

Enter your OpenProject instance URL in the OpenProject host field

Click on the Save button.


If the OpenProject host cannot be added, you may check the Troubleshooting section at the bottom of this page.

Please note, when you use the Terms of Service app on the Nextcloud side, all terms also need to be accepted for the OpenProject user that gets created during the setup. This is set to happen automatically during the initial set-up. If you see an error message indicating otherwise or the integration does not behave as expected, please refer to the Troubleshooting section at the bottom of this page.

The next part of the setup will require you to enter OpenProject OAuth values here, but before we do that, you will need to generate them in OpenProject. To do so, navigate to your OpenProject instance in a new browser tab.

2. Create a Nextcloud file storage in your OpenProject instance

Navigate to your administration settings page by clicking on your avatar in the top right corner → Administration. From the side menu on the left, click on Files -> External file storages.

Click on + Storage to add a new file storage.

File storages in the Administration settings

A new page titled New storage will appear, where you will be able to configure your new Nextcloud storage.

By default, Provider type is set to Nextcloud. This does not need to be modified.

Give a name to this new storage. This will be visible to all users in all projects using this file storage. We highly recommended choosing a distinct name that allows users to differentiate it from any other file storages you may add in the future.

Next, enter the Host URL of your Nextcloud instance. This is simply the address of your Nextcloud instance, including the “https://”.

Adding a new storage via OpenProject Administration settings

Click on Save and continue setup. Your new storage is now created, but before you can use it, you will need to exchange OAUth IDs and secrets between your Nextcloud and OpenProject instances. You will do this in the next step.

3. Enter OpenProject OAuth values in Nextcloud settings

At this point, you will see a page titled OpenProject OAuth application details.

Note that OpenProject has automatically generated an OAuth client ID and a client secret. These values are needed to permit Nextcloud to connect to OpenProject.


These generated values are not accessible again after you close the window. Please do not navigate away from this page before copying them over to Nextcloud, as instructed below. Treat these values with care, as you would an important password. Please do not reveal them to anyone else.

OpenProject generates OAuth values to copy over to Nextcloud

Go back to the browser tab where you were configuring the OpenProject Integration app. (We recommend you have two browser tabs open: the current one with OpenProject and the former one with Nextcloud).

Copy the two generated values (client ID and secret) from the OpenProject tab to the respective fields in Nextcloud, namely OpenProject OAuth client ID and OpenProject OAuth client secret.

OAuth values generated by OpenProject are entered into Nextcloud app configuration

Once you have copied the values, click on Save to proceed to the next step.

4. Enter Nextcloud OAuth values in OpenProject

In the page that appears, you will see new OAuth values that are once again generated automatically, but this time by Nextcloud.

OpenProject will need these values to be able to connect to your Nextcloud instance.

Much like in the previous step, you will need to copy these two generated values (Nextcloud OAuth client ID and Nextcloud OAuth client secret) and paste them into OpenProject.

Nextcloud also generates OAuth values that need to be copied to OpenProject

Navigate back to your OpenProject tab and click on the Done, continue button on the screen you previously left it at. You will now see a screen where you will be able to enter the Nextcloud values.


Once you have entered the client ID and client secrets on this page, click on Save and continue.

5. Automatically managed project folders

As a last step, you will be asked if you want to use automatically managed folders. If you choose this option, OpenProject will automatically create project folders in Nextcloud and manage permissions such that all project members always have the necessary access privileges. Unless you already have a particular folder structure in place, we recommend choosing this option.

OpenProject Automatically managed folders

In case you want to use this functionality you will be requested to enter a password. Switch back to Nextcloud and click on Yes, I have copied these values. This will open the last step of the process in Nextcloud, where you can also select if you want to use automatically managed folders. Click on Setup OpenProject user, group and folder to configure the folders and see the password. Once configured, you can copy the password back to OpenProject.

Nextcloud Automatically managed folders setup

Nextcloud Automatically managed folders


You will need to install the Group folder app in Nextcloud in order to have OpenProject automatically managed your Nextcloud folders. Each storage can only have one group folder with the same name.

At this point, you can click on Done, complete setup in both applications and your instance configuration will be completed.

Integration successfully completed on the OpenProject end

The OpenProject Integration page on your Nextcloud tab should also indicate that the integration is complete with three green check marks.

Integration successfully set up on the Nextcloud end, three green checks visible

The integration is now complete, and your OpenProject and Nextcloud instances are ready to share information.

Additional settings on this page also allow you, as an administrator, to define default settings for options that are available to each user. These can of course be overridden by a user to their liking:

Admin settings to configure default settings for all users

  • Enable navigation link displays a link to the OpenProject instance in the Nextcloud header
  • Enable unified search for tickets allows users to search for OpenProject work packages via the universal search bar in Nextcloud

6. Add your new Nextcloud file storage to a project

Now that the integration is set up, the next step is to make the Nextcloud file storage you just created available to individual projects. This can be either done by you directly in the system administration under Enabled in projects tab of a specific file storage, or on a project level under Project settings.

To add a Nextcloud to a specific project on a project level, navigate to any existing project in your OpenProject instance and click on Project settings -> Files and follow the instructions in the Project settings user guide.

To add a Nextcloud storage to one or multiple projects on an instance level, click on a file storage under Administration -> Files -> External file storages and select Enabled in projects tab. If the file storage setup was not completed properly, you will see a respective message.

Storage setup incomplete message in OprnProject file storages administration

If the storage was set up correctly, you will be able activate the file storage for one or multiple projects. To do that click the +Add projects button.

Add Nextcloud file storage to projects in OpenProject administration

You can you use the search bar to select either one or multiple projects and have an option of including sub-projects. Select the type of project folders for file uploads and click Add.

Select projects to activate Nextcloud storage in in OpenProject administration

You can always edit project folders or remove file storage from projects by selecting the respective option.

Remove Nextcloud file storage from a project in OpenProject administration


For information on how to use the file storage (link Nextcloud user accounts at a user level, link files to a work package, view and download linked files, unlink files), please read our Nextcloud integration user guide.

Reset OAuth values

If you wish to reset OAuth values for any reason, you can do so on either side by clicking on the Reset OAuth values button (in Nextcloud settings or in OpenProject admin settings) or the Replace OAuth values button (in OpenProject admin settings).


When you reset/replace these values, you will need to update the configuration with the new OAuth credentials from the side you are resetting. This will also require all users to re-authorize OpenProject to access their Nextcloud account by logging in again.

A dialogue asking the user to confirm they want to replace OpenProject OAuth values

A dialogue asking the user to confirm they want to replace OpenProject OAuth values

Delete a Nextcloud file storage

You can delete a Nextcloud file storage either at a project level or at an instance-level.

Deleting a file storage at a project level simply makes it unavailable to that particular project, without affecting the integration for other projects. Project admins can do so by navigating to Project settings → Files and clicking the delete icon next to the file storage you would like to remove.

Click on the delete icon next to the file storage in the project settings to remove it from the project

Deleting a file storage at an instance level deletes the Nextcloud integration completely and makes it inaccessible to all projects in that instance. Should an instance administrator nevertheless want to do so, they should navigate to Administration → File storages, select the file storage and click the delete button in the upper right corner.

Click on the delete icon next to the file storage in administration settings to delete it from this instance


Deleting a file storage as an instance administrator will also delete all settings and links between work packages and Nextcloud files/folders. This means that should you want to reconnect your Nextcloud instance with OpenProject, will need complete the entire setup process once again.

Using the integration

Once the file storage is added and enabled for projects, your users are able to take full advantage of the integration between Nextcloud and OpenProject. For more information on how to link Nextcloud files to work packages in OpenProject and access linked work packages in Nextcloud, please refer to the Nextcloud integration guide.


Setting up OpenProject in Nextcloud

Error message “Please enter a valid OpenProject hostname”

On Nextcloud inside the OpenProject Integration App, when adding the OpenProject host, it shows the error “Please enter a valid OpenProject hostname”. There are multiple reasons that can cause the error;

  • The host address could be wrong. Please check in a separate browser tab that the URL that you have provided is correct. OpenProject should load.
  • If your Nextcloud and OpenProject servers are both in a local network, it might be necessary to explicitly allow local remote servers in Nextcloud by setting a system configuration via your Nextcloud command line. This allows Nextcloud to connect to other local servers. Use the command sudo -u www-data php occ config:system:set allow_local_remote_servers --value 1 in order to enable the setting for Nextcloud.
  • Your Nextcloud server does not have access to the OpenProject server. To test the connection between Nextcloud and OpenProject, you can use the following command on your Nextcloud server’s command line:
    In case the curl command above results in an error pay attention what it is telling you. Typical reasons for connection issues are misconfigured firewalls, proxies, or a bad TLS/SSL setup.
While using a self signed TLS/SSL certificate you receive “certificate verify failed”

Some administrators setup OpenProject using a self signed TLS/SSL certificate with their own CA (certificate authority). That CA needs to be known on the Nextcloud server. On a Debian/Ubuntu based server, make sure you add the CA certificate for your OpenProject certificate to /usr/local/share/ca-certificates and run sudo update-ca-certificates afterwards. Then Nextcloud’s PHP code should be able to verify your OpenProject TLS/SSL certificate when emitting HTTPS requests to your Nextcloud server.

Attention: Please do not confuse the CA for the Nextcloud server’s certificate with the CA of the OpenProject server’s certificate which you might have provided in the OpenProject installation wizard. They do not necessarily need to be the same.

Error message “Sign terms of services”

Terms of services is an app on the Nextcloud side of integration that makes it mandatory for users to accept terms of services before Nextcloud can be used. In order for the integration to work properly the OpenProject user also needs to accept all terms that are set up. It should be accepted automatically during the set up process. However, it is possible that in certain situations it does not happen automatically.

To fix this please log into Nextcloud, proceed to Administration and select OpenProject. This will trigger an automatic background check and suggest that Terms of services be signed. Fix a Terms of services error in Nextcloud

While setting up Project folders

While setting up the project folders we create a new user, group and group folder named OpenProject. At the time of set up the system expects either all of these entities to have been set up with proper permissions or none of them to be present. If one or more of these entities are present without required permissions, an error message will be displayed.

Error message “The user “OpenProject” already exists”

On Nextcloud inside the OpenProject Integration App, when setting up an OpenProject user, group and folder, it shows the error “The user “OpenProject” already exists”. This error occurs if user OpenProject exists but group OpenProject and/or group folder OpenProject doesn’t exist, or they exist with broken permissions. To solve this problem refer to possible solutions in section Possible solutions to Project folders setup error

Error message “The group “OpenProject” already exists”

On Nextcloud inside the OpenProject Integration App, when setting up an OpenProject user, group and folder, it shows the error “The group “OpenProject” already exists”. This can occur if group or group folder OpenProject exists but the user OpenProject doesn’t exist. To solve this problem refer to possible solutions in section Possible solutions to Project folders setup error

Error message “The group folder name “OpenProject” already exists”

On Nextcloud inside the OpenProject Integration App, when setting up an OpenProject user, group and folder, it shows the error “The group folder name “OpenProject” already exists”. This can occur if both group and user OpenProject doesn’t exist but the group folder OpenProject exists. To solve this problem refer to possible solutions in section Possible solutions to Project folders setup error

Possible solutions to Project folders setup error

If you are facing any of the aforementioned errors while trying to set up the Project folders feature for the first time, or you don’t care about the OpenProject user/group/folder data then the easiest solution is to remove any of the created OpenProject user/group/folder entities. Please follow the following steps:

  • Disable the OpenProject Integration App Note: You need to disable the OpenProject Integration App because user/group OpenProject is protected by the app, and it won’t allow you to delete the user/group named OpenProject. Disabling and enabling the app is safe. No app data will be deleted.

  • Remove user OpenProject

  • Remove group OpenProject

  • Inside the Group folders App (Administration settings → Administration → Group folders), remove group folder OpenProject. Caution: this step will delete all files in that folder. Make sure to make a copy if you want to keep these files!

  • Enable the OpenProject Integration App

  • Set up the project folders again

If you do care about the OpenProject user/group/folder data then the conditions that bring the project folder setup to error state, and its possible solutions are as listed below:

  • User OpenProject doesn’t exist. Please check if the user exists, if not create a user named OpenProject with username and display name OpenProject, some secure random password, email is not necessary.
  • Group OpenProject doesn’t exist. Please check if the group exists, if not create a group named OpenProject.
  • User OpenProject is not a member of group OpenProject. Please check the user is a member of the group, if not add the user OpenProject to the group OpenProject.
  • User OpenProject is not group admin of group OpenProject. Please check the user is admin of the group, if not make user OpenProject the group admin of group OpenProject
  • Group folder OpenProject doesn’t exist. If you don’t have the Group folders App installed, please install and enable it. Inside the Group folders App (Administration settings → Administration → Group folders) make a group folder named OpenProject. Add the group OpenProject to the group folder with all the permissions i.e. Write, Share, Delete. Add user OpenProject to advance permissions list.
  • Group folder OpenProject is not assigned to group OpenProject. Inside the Group folders App (Administration settings → Administration → Group folders) check if the OpenProject group folder has group OpenProject assigned to it, if not add the group OpenProject with all the permissions i.e. Write, Share, Delete.
  • Group OpenProject doesn’t have all the permissions for group folder OpenProject. Inside the Group folders App (Administration settings → Administration → Group folders) check if the group OpenProject has all the permissions for group folder OpenProject, if not give group OpenProject all the permissions i.e. Write, Share, Delete.
  • User OpenProject doesn’t have advanced permissions for group folder OpenProject. Inside the Group folders App (Administration settings → Administration → Group folders) check if the user OpenProject has advanced permissions for group folder OpenProject, if not add user OpenProject to advanced permissions list.


The name OpenProject is case-sensitive, so should be in exactly that format.

While trying to delete or disable user/group “OpenProject”

If you face an error while trying to delete or disable user/group “OpenProject” then that’s because user/group is protected by the OpenProject Integration App. If you really need to delete the user or group follow these steps:

  1. Disable the OpenProject Integration App


Disabling and enabling the app is safe. No app data will be deleted.

  1. Remove user OpenProject
  2. Remove group OpenProject
  3. Inside the Group folders App (Administration settings → Administration → Group folders), remove group folder OpenProject.

[!WARNING] This step will delete all files in that folder. Make sure to make a copy if you want to keep these files!**

  1. Enable the OpenProject Integration App

Setting up Nextcloud in OpenProject

Error message “Host can not be connected to”

On OpenProject inside the storage administration (Administration → File storages → + Storage), when adding the Nextcloud host, it shows the error “Host can not be connected to”. There are multiple potential reasons that can cause this error message.

  • The host address could be simply wrong. Please check in a separate browser tab that the URL that you have provided is correct. Nextcloud should load.

  • Your OpenProject server does not have access to the Nextcloud server. To test the connection between OpenProject and Nextcloud, you can use the following command on your OpenProject server’s command line:

    curl -H 'OCS-APIRequest:true' -H 'Accept:application/json'

    If Nextcloud is setup correctly the response should look similar to the following. Pay special attention to current Nextcloud version, which in this example here is “24.0.6”. At the time of writing this documentation the minimum version of Nextcloud is 22.

    {"ocs":{"meta":{"status":"ok","statuscode":200,"message":"OK"},"data":{"version":{"major":24,"minor":0,"micro":6,"string":"24.0.6","edition":"","extendedSupport":false},"capabilities":{"bruteforce":{"delay":0},"metadataAvailable":{"size":["\/image\\\/.*\/"]},"theming":{"name":"Nextcloud","url":"https:\/\/","slogan":"a safe home for all your data","color":"#0082c9","color-text":"#ffffff","color-element":"#0082c9","color-element-bright":"#0082c9","color-element-dark":"#0082c9","logo":"https:\/\/\/nextcloud\/core\/img\/logo\/logo.svg?v=0","background":"https:\/\/\/nextcloud\/core\/img\/background.png?v=0","background-plain":false,"background-default":true,"logoheader":"https:\/\/\/nextcloud\/core\/img\/logo\/logo.svg?v=0","favicon":"https:\/\/\/nextcloud\/core\/img\/logo\/logo.svg?v=0"}}}}}

    If you do not get such a response check out what the curl command above is telling you. Typical reasons for connection issues are misconfigured firewalls, proxies, or a bad TLS/SSL setup.

While using a self signed TLS/SSL certificate you receive “certificate verify failed”

Some administrators setup Nextcloud using a self signed TLS/SSL certificate with their own CA (certificate authority). The CA needs to be known on the OpenProject server. On a Debian/Ubuntu based server, make sure you add the CA certificate for your Nextcloud certificate to /usr/local/share/ca-certificates and run sudo update-ca-certificates afterwards. Then OpenProject’s Ruby code should be able to verify your Nextcloud TLS/SSL certificate when emitting HTTPS requests to your Nextcloud server.

Attention: Please do not confuse the CA for the Nextcloud server’s certificate with the CA of the OpenProject server’s certificate which you might have provided in the OpenProject installation wizard. They do not necessarily need to be the same.

Error message “Host is not fully set up”

Host is not fully set up

The integration OpenProject with Nextcloud makes use of authorized HTTP requests between the two servers. The HTTP requests contain a Authorization header, containing a Bearer access token. Sometimes Nextcloud installations are not fully setup and the HTTP server strips the Authorization header, with the consequence that Nextcloud does not know which Nextcloud user is requesting. Run the following command on the command line of your OpenProject server to check that your installation is complete

curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Authorization: foo'

If Nextcloud setup correctly the response should look like the following


If not, first verify that the app OpenProject Integration is installed.

If that is the case verify that the mod_rewrite is activated on the Nextcloud server.
To activate mod_rewrite the following commands can be used on the Nextcloud server:

sudo a2enmod rewrite
sudo systemctl restart apache2

If that also not work please check the instructions for setting up pretty URLs in Nextcloud. This usually also resolves the issue of stripped Authorization headers.

Project folders are not created or you do not have access

You have setup the Project folder in both environments (Nextcloud and OpenProject), but you cannot see any folder named OpenProject in the root directory of Files app in Nextcloud.

  1. Check if OpenProject’s background workers are running. These workers create these folders and set the correct access permissions per user. You have two options for verification:

    a. If you have root access to the OpenProject server where your worker should be running, check if the worker processes are in fact present: ps aux | grep job The result should show lines containing bundle exec bundle exec good_job start

    b. If you don’t have root access to the OpenProject server then you can check the following URL in your browser: https://<your-openproject-server>/health_checks/all (please insert the domain name of your OpenProject server). If your background workers are running, you should see a line like that worker_backed_up: PASSED No jobs are waiting to be picked up.

  2. Ensure that your project is setup correctly:

    1. In your browser navigate to the project for which you want the Project folders feature to be working.

    2. In the Project settings, make sure that:

      • the File storages module is enabled

      • the correct storage is enabled for that project

      • that Project folders setting is set to “New folder with automatically managed permissions”

  3. Ensure that your user is fully set up: OpenProject needs to know your Nextcloud user ID so that it can give your Nextcloud account the correct access rights to the project folder. That ID is obtained when you log into Nextcloud from within OpenProject.

    • To check: navigate to any work package in that project , open the Files tab and make sure that you are logged into the Nextcloud storage. If you are not logged in, you should see a Log in button. Click that button and follow the instructions on the screen.
  4. If your OpenProject account is not an admin user, you need to make sure that your user is a member of the project and that your role has at least the permission to Read files. To check that the permissions for your role are correctly set-up you need to have an admin account or contact your administrator. In the section File storages at least the permission to Read files needs to be checked.

  5. If you changed anything in the steps above, please wait up to 30 seconds. If the background workers are working fine then you should see the project folder.

  6. If none of the aforementioned steps worked, check whether your network connection is fine:

    1. Login into your OpenProject server via the command line interface. If you have multiple servers, chose the one that has the background workers running.

    2. Test the network connection from this server to your Nextcloud server. All you need is the Nextcloud host name and the Application password. You received the application password at the end of the setup of the app OpenProject integration in Nextcloud.

      If you do not posses the application password anymore, you can reset it. Make sure not to forget updating the settings of the file storage in OpenProject accordingly. The following cURL command should respond with an XML containing details for the OpenProject user (Please make sure to use the right application-password and Nextcloud host name):

      curl -u 'OpenProject:<application-password>' https://<nextcloud-host-name>/ocs/v1.php/cloud/users/OpenProject -H 'OCS-APIRequest: true' -v

Getting support

If you run into any new issues or you cannot solve your integration please use our Support Installation & Updates forum or if you have an Enterprise subscription, please contact us at Enterprise Support.