Installation & operations guide

This page summarizes the options for getting OpenProject, some hosted and some on-premise. With this information you should be able to decide what option is best for you. Find a full feature comparison here.


  • Community edition - The free, no license, edition of OpenProject that you install on-premise. The additional add-ons of the Enterprise edition are not included. See the “Installation” row of the table below.
  • Enterprise on-premise edition - Builds on top of the Community edition: Enterprise add-ons, professional support, hosted on-premises with optional installation support. See more on the website, where you can apply for a free trial, or in the documentation. The Community edition can easily be upgraded to the Enterprise on-premises edition.


  • Enterprise Enterprise cloud edition - Hosted by OpenProject in an EU Data Center, with Enterprise add-ons and professional support . See more on the website, where you can apply for a free trial, or in the documentation.

All editions can be enhanced by adding the BIM module, including features for construction project management, i.e. 3D model viewer, BCF management. See how to switch to that edition in the documentation or how to start a BIM Enterprise cloud edition.

Compare the features of these versions on the website.

Note: there are some minor options given in the “Other” row of the table below. These are not recommended but you may wish to try them.

On-premises installation overview

Main Topics Content
System requirements Learn the minimum configuration required to run OpenProject
Installation How to install OpenProject and the methods available
Operations & Maintenance Guides on how to configure, backup, upgrade, and monitor your OpenProject installation
Advanced configuration Guides on how to perform advanced configuration of your OpenProject installation
Other Guides on infrequent operations such as MySQL to PostgreSQL migration
BIM How to install OpenProject BIM edition

For production environments and when using a supported distribution, we recommend using the packaged installation. This will install OpenProject as a system dependency using your distribution’s package manager, and provide updates in the same fashion that all other system packages do.

An OUTDATED and OLD manual installation option exists, but due to the large number of components involved and the rapid evolution of OpenProject, we cannot ensure that the procedure is either up-to-date or that it will correctly work on your machine. This means that manual installation is NOT recommended NOR supported.