Case study


The medius KLINIKEN non-profit hospital group relies on project management with OpenProject for planning and controlling complex projects in accordance with PRINCE2.
Gerrit Bonn
With the discontinuation of the self-administered Jira Server version, we were looking for alternative solutions for self-hosted project management software. The functionality of Taiga was not sufficient to cover all our interdisciplinary requirements. We can configure OpenProject flexibly and extensively for our needs. It is the all-rounder for planning our projects time-efficiently and controlling them asynchronously.

Gerrit Bonn


IT coordinator, information and medical technology

How medius Kliniken work with OpenProject

medius Kliniken rely on PRINCE 2 project management with OpenProject

The non-profit hospital group medius Kliniken, consisting of 3 clinics and other medical care centers, nursing academies and practices, with over 3,300 employees, relies on the methodology of structured project management according to PRINCE2 for the planning and management of complex projects. Currently around 80 people are actively working in OpenProject.

medius Kliniken uses OpenProject to map its projects according to PRINCE2, in particular for the initial setup of the project environments and the completion of the projects. There are checklists for each project phase. Particularly before the initial start of a project up to approval and for project completion, OpenProject provides very clear structures for all project participants.

Structuring complex projects with OpenProject through detailed planning of initial project orders

New project orders, such as the introduction of robot-assisted surgery using daVinci surgical systems or the cross-clinic standardization and modernization of Viewpoint, the software for structured ultrasound image and findings documentation, are created in OpenProject. At the start of a new project, detailed questions must be answered in a structured manner in a predefined sequence in the form of work packages in OpenProject.

Work package types are configured in accordance with PRINCE2, which means that the project products and work orders are described very precisely and approved by the line managers and end users involved. The actual implementation of the projects in OpenProject is then left to the teams, who can use the agile boards, for example. At the end of a project, a detailed project closure report is created.

More transparency and faster decisions in approval processes and funding

Approval processes (e.g. data protection approvals, information and safety officers (ISB), works council approvals) are significantly accelerated by using OpenProject thanks to the option of asynchronous processing. Statements can be uploaded directly, queries can be clarified via work packages, and the status and responsibilities are transparent at all times.

Thanks to OpenProject, it is easy to keep track of complex issues and funding programs, such as the fulfillment of almost 100 mandatory and optional criteria as part of the Hospital Future Act. Here, complex relationships can be mapped in OpenProject, such as the 1:n assignment of funding facts to projects or the n:m relationships of mandatory criteria to projects. These can be transparently displayed and tracked via the relations in OpenProject.

Why do medius Kliniken value project management with OpenProject?

Flexible configuration

OpenProject can be adapted to the respective requirements, such as the implementation of projects according to PRINCE2.

50% time saving until approval

The asynchronous processing of approvals in OpenProject means that processes are realized much faster.

Transparency of progress

For overall project planning, there is an extra work package filter for relevant stakeholders, which displays the progress of the project at all times.

Clear processes

Projects follow a clear process according to PRINCE2 and are specified precisely in a project proposal at the beginning in order to avoid surprises later on.

Photos: Verena Müller | Photographer | Menzelstraße 55A | 70192 Stuttgart |
Screenshots: medius KLINIKEN


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