OpenProject joins coalition for a level playing field with Microsoft

OpenProject joins coalition for a level playing field with Microsoft

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OpenProject is joining a new coalition for a level playing field with Microsoft. Nextcloud, the open source on-premises content collaboration platform, has filed complaints with both the EU and German antitrust authorities against Microsoft. Numerous IT companies and organizations in the EU are supporting Nextcloud and are joining this initiative.

Microsoft will integrate its own cloud services ever more closely into its service and software portfolio as well as its operating system. For example, Microsoft’s “Teams” will closely be integrated into Windows 11 operating system. For users, it seems very convenient at first sight to have those services tightly integrated or pre-installed. However, this puts us in a massive dependency on big tech companies and their offerings. It makes it almost impossible for other providers to compete with Microsoft and provide alternatives. This is particularly important from the point of view of fostering strong IT in the EU and protecting privacy and data sovereignty.

Nextcloud’s complaint is supported by a wide range of organizations and companies from the EU tech industry.

Supporting organizations of the coalition

OpenProject supports Nextcloud and the coalition and urges the EU Commission to ensure a level playing field with Microsoft. We need a strong signal in the EU to strengthen IT companies so that we remain competitive.

“*I am deeply concerned about the increasing dependence on large US monopolies. We must finally make a binding commitment to data sovereignty in the European Union, even if this is sometimes uncomfortable. Bundling Microsoft services in the operating system will create even greater dependence and further weaken IT providers in Europe. We urge the European Commission to take action to ensure a level of equal competitive environment that encourages Europe and the European IT industry to provide alternatives.*”

Niels Lindenthal – CEO OpenProject GmbH

All the companies in this coalition share the same message: Microsoft’s behavior massively restricts competitiveness and thus harms the European IT industry and influences and restricts choices for users. European organizations support this effort from Nextcloud to stand up to big US monopolies and create a level playing field to foster data sovereignty, innovation and local IT businesses in Europe.

Find more information about the coalition and its partners or join the initiative: