
Lesen Sie hier unsere Neuigkeiten, Ideen und Produktupdates.

Treffen Sie uns in Berlin auf der Smart Country Convention 2023

Treffen Sie uns in Berlin auf der Smart Country Convention 2023

Sie interessieren sich für Open Source Software und sind diesen November in Berlin? Dann treffen Sie uns auf der Smart Country Convention (SCCON)! OpenProject wird an einem gemeinsamen Stand mit anderen…
Project management methodologies and frameworks for OpenProject

Project management methodologies and frameworks for OpenProject

Are you looking for a suitable software for your project management methodology? The OpenProject software offers a wide range of features and is well suited for many methodologies. Get an overview of which…
News from the product desk: Adopting Primer – GitHub's design system

News from the product desk: Adopting Primer – GitHub's design system

At OpenProject, our goal has always been to create the best open source project management and collaboration software. We are acutely aware that for our users, OpenProject is not just a set of features…
ESG: Our commitment to responsible environmental, social and governance practices

ESG: Our commitment to responsible environmental, social and governance practices

As the world becomes increasingly aware of the importance of environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and strong governance practices, many companies are embracing the ESG framework. For us…
Fostering open source software and project management in France: OpenProject joins forces with Arawa

Fostering open source software and project management in France: OpenProject joins forces with Arawa

We are delighted to announce an important milestone in our journey to foster collaboration, improve project management and deliver enterprise-grade open source software in France. OpenProject is proud…
8 Open Source Softwarelösungen für den öffentlichen Dienst

8 Open Source Softwarelösungen für den öffentlichen Dienst

Open Source Software wird immer wichtiger, vor allem im öffentlichen Bereich in Europa. Open Source bedeutet, dass der Quellcode oder Teile davon zugänglich gemacht werden, um die Nutzung, Änderung, Erg…
Sichere Projektmanagement-Software mit Servern in Deutschland

Sichere Projektmanagement-Software mit Servern in Deutschland

Der Serverstandort ist ein relevantes Kriterium bei der Suche nach Software: Entscheiden Sie sich für einen Software-Anbieter aus der EU mit Servern in der EU, können Sie auf geltenden EU-Datenschutz …
How to easily create a professional project management plan

How to easily create a professional project management plan

Creating a project management work plan can be quite time-consuming, especially in the public sector. You really have so much more important work to do than styling and editing a 50-pages project management…
News from the product desk: Calendar subscriptions

News from the product desk: Calendar subscriptions

Starting with OpenProject 13.0, you can now synchronize your work packages with external calendar clients like Open-Xchange, Mozilla Thunderbird, Google Calendar and Apple Calendar. Calendar subscriptions…