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Tipps - Page 2

Project collaboration: 3 success factors and software features

Project collaboration: 3 success factors and software features

In theory, we all know it, in practice many of us struggle with it: Good collaboration is essential for the success of projects. In every project - whether it’s a private barbecue or a major software rollout…
Project management methodologies and frameworks for OpenProject

Project management methodologies and frameworks for OpenProject

Are you looking for a suitable software for your project management methodology? The OpenProject software offers a wide range of features and is well suited for many methodologies. Get an overview of which…
ESG: Our commitment to responsible environmental, social and governance practices

ESG: Our commitment to responsible environmental, social and governance practices

As the world becomes increasingly aware of the importance of environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and strong governance practices, many companies are embracing the ESG framework. For us…
8 Open Source Softwarelösungen für den öffentlichen Dienst

8 Open Source Softwarelösungen für den öffentlichen Dienst

Open Source Software wird immer wichtiger, vor allem im öffentlichen Bereich in Europa. Open Source bedeutet, dass der Quellcode oder Teile davon zugänglich gemacht werden, um die Nutzung, Änderung, Erg…
Sichere Projektmanagement-Software mit Servern in Deutschland

Sichere Projektmanagement-Software mit Servern in Deutschland

Der Serverstandort ist ein relevantes Kriterium bei der Suche nach Software: Entscheiden Sie sich für einen Software-Anbieter aus der EU mit Servern in der EU, können Sie auf geltenden EU-Datenschutz …
Engineering project management with OpenProject: Collaborate seamlessly

Engineering project management with OpenProject: Collaborate seamlessly

Everyday work in engineering is characterized by projects that have to be well organized and run routinely. A suitable project management system must enable different teams to collaborate efficiently.…
OpenProject First Steps tutorial

OpenProject First Steps tutorial

Welcome to OpenProject! In this article, you will find answers to your questions as a new user or system admin of OpenProject.…
How to create the best dashboard for your project

How to create the best dashboard for your project

Project management is all about getting organized. What tasks are due this week? Where is my help needed? To best answer these kinds of questions, you need one overview page to display everything important…
Passion project: A Glossary for understanding important terms

Passion project: A Glossary for understanding important terms

OpenProject is an open source software – with many features, modules and possibilities for users to successfully collaborate and manage projects. With a wide variety of features comes a great deal of complexity…
Arbeitszeit erfassen und Projekte verwalten – in einem System

Arbeitszeit erfassen und Projekte verwalten – in einem System

Müssen Sie die Arbeitszeit Ihres Teams oder Ihre eigene erfassen und dokumentieren? Tools zur Arbeitszeiterfassung gibt es inzwischen so einige auf dem Markt. Warum machen Sie es sich nicht einfach und…
How to integrate OpenProject and GitHub

How to integrate OpenProject and GitHub

OpenProject makes it possible to integrate GitHub, so the planning and specifications of a development project are better integrated with the development side of things. With this integration, you can…