Working with the OpenProject website and user guide in Spanish

Spanish OpenProject website and user guides now available

Temps de lecture estimé: 1 minute

We are continuously working to improve OpenProject to make it as much accessible as possible for all our users. This includes having the content available in different languages. We are very pleased to announce that we have now published our website and user guides in Spanish.

Spanish OpenProject website

We now offer our Spanish speaking Community a translated version of our website in Spanish. Not all old blog articles will be translated but new content will be translated as needed.

Screenshot OpenProject Spanish website

OpenProject user guides in Spanish

Also, we have translated the OpenProject getting started guide as well as the user guide to Spanish. It explains and illustrates the first steps and all of the OpenProject features in detail.

Screenshot OpenProject user guide

La documentation d’OpenProject dans d’autres langues

The OpenProject user guides are also available in German and French. Nous œuvrons pour vous proposer des traductions dans encore plus de langues. Suivez-nous sur médias sociaux et lisez notre blog pour toujours être au fait de nos dernières actualités.

Comment nous aider à traduire OpenProject

Translations for OpenProject are publicly in CrowdIn. Cela signifie que tout le monde peut contribuer à traduire OpenProject dans sa langue maternelle. Vous pouvez soit aider à traduire l’application OpenProject elle-même ou la documentation. Please feel free to contribute, we love when our Community gets involved.