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OpenProject 10.0.1 released

OpenProject 10.0.1 released

We released OpenProject 10.0.1. The release contains several bug fixes and we recommend updating to the newest version.…
OpenProject 10: Drag & drop, card view and graphs

OpenProject 10: Drag & drop, card view and graphs

We are proud to announce the release of OpenProject 10. The release adds drag & drop to the work package table, adds a new card view and provides a new project dashboard page.…
OpenProject 9.0.3 released

OpenProject 9.0.3 released

We released OpenProject 9.0.3. The release contains several bug fixes and we recommend updating to the newest version.…
Why OpenProject is the better Trello alternative for Enterprises

Why OpenProject is the better Trello alternative for Enterprises

Agile project management is around now for quite a long time and became popular for most industries and organizations. It is now a well-established methodology to foster collaboration and to quickly react…
OpenProject is among the Best Project Management Software 2019

OpenProject is among the Best Project Management Software 2019

This week, Newsweek, one of the leading American weekly news magazines published together with Statista Inc., an international well-known and recognized data research company, the list of Best Business…
OpenProject 9: new Scrum and Agile Board view

OpenProject 9: new Scrum and Agile Board view

We are proud to announce the release of OpenProject 9. The release introduces a new board view for OpenProject, work package templates, customizable work package views for the My Page and more.…
How to get started with Boards for Scrum and Agile Project Management: a Step-by-Step Guide

How to get started with Boards for Scrum and Agile Project Management: a Step-by-Step Guide

OpenProject is a powerful open source software for Scrum and Agile Project Management. Scrum and Agile Boards are a great new feature in OpenProject. They support Scrum and Agile Teams to visualize the…
Deprecating MySQL support and migration to PostgreSQL

Deprecating MySQL support and migration to PostgreSQL

Starting in OpenProject 9.0.0, OpenProject is deprecating support for MySQL and MariaDB variants in its community and enterprise editions. MySQL remains fully supported for the major branch of 9.x releases…
OpenProject 8.3.2 released

OpenProject 8.3.2 released

We released OpenProject 8.3.2. The release contains a security related fix and we urge updating to the newest version immediately.…