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OpenProject 12.5.4 Security Release

OpenProject 12.5.4 Security Release

OpenProject 12.5.4 has just been released with two security related bug fixes identified and reported by a security researcher. They do not pose immediate or high threats, but we do recommend you update…
Full text attachment search is released into Community edition

Full text attachment search is released into Community edition

Our commitment to supporting our incredible community remains unwavering, and we are convinced that continually improving the OpenProject Community edition will benefit everyone. And so, with every major…
News from the Product Desk: Baseline

News from the Product Desk: Baseline

In August 2021, OpenProject hired two UX/UI designers, Marc and Parimal, and formed a new product team along with CEO Niels. Since then, we’ve been working on three fronts with each release: new features…
OpenProject: la alternativa fácil de usar a Redmine

OpenProject: la alternativa fácil de usar a Redmine

OpenProject frente a Redmine: Una comparación de OpenProject con Redmine muestra cómo ambas herramientas difieren ahora en diseño y usabilidad a pesar de tener las mismas raíces.…
OpenProject release 12.5: direct upload and linking of files to Nextcloud

OpenProject release 12.5: direct upload and linking of files to Nextcloud

OpenProject 12.5 is released, and it is again packed with many new collaboration features, improvements and bug fixes. With the OpenProject Nextcloud integration it now becomes possible to directly upload…
OpenProject 12.5 is on its way

OpenProject 12.5 is on its way

We are currently in the final phase of preparations for the new release OpenProject 12.5, scheduled for Monday, March 20, 2023.…
OpenProject: la alternativa de código abierto a Taiga

OpenProject: la alternativa de código abierto a Taiga

Taiga es un software de gestión de proyectos de código abierto que da soporte a los equipos Agile.…
OpenProject integration app for Nextcloud released in version 2.3.1

OpenProject integration app for Nextcloud released in version 2.3.1

We released version 2.3.1 of the OpenProject integration app for Nextcloud. This release builds the foundation for the new upload from OpenProject’s work packages to Nextcloud that will be released soon…
OpenProject French user guide now available

OpenProject French user guide now available

We constantly work on improving and updating OpenProject documentation to make it most accessible for all our users. This includes providing documentation in different languages. A few months ago we have…