tablet with OpenProject user guide opened in German

OpenProject user guide now available in German

Tiempo estimado de lectura: 1 minuto

We would like to make it as comfortable as possible for you to get to know and work with OpenProject. And reading a documentation in a foreign language is not easy. That is why we started the translation of our documentation.

Being a German company, we have many German users and thus started translating the documentation into German first.

OpenProject Getting started guide in German

A few months ago, we published the Getting started guide in German. Here you will learn about the first steps with OpenProject.

Screenshot Grundlagen Handbuch

OpenProject User guide in German

The latest addition in German is the user guide. It gives you more detailed explanations of all features. This guide covers all of OpenProject’s functionalities from a user’s perspective.

Screenshot Grundlagen Handbuch

Documentación de OpenProject en otros idiomas

The next step is to translate the FAQs into German, then the other guides will follow and in future we will add translations into other languages as well. Síguenos en medios sociales y lee nuestro blog para estar siempre al día de nuestras últimas noticias.

Cómo puede ayudarnos a traducir OpenProject

OpenProject es un proyecto de CrowdIn. Todo el mundo puede contribuir a traducir OpenProject a su lengua materna. You can either help translate the OpenProject application itself or the documentation. Por favor, contribuya, nos encanta que nuestra comunidad participe.