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The role of a project Steering Committee

The role of a project Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is responsible for the success of a project. Anyone puzzled by this statement adheres to traditional project management, which views projects as delivery tasks and holds the project…
News from the DevOps team: Improving our CI/CD reliability with RunsOn

News from the DevOps team: Improving our CI/CD reliability with RunsOn

OpenProject uses a large test suite for our Rails-based application, which includes a high number of compute-intensive system tests. In the past, we used Travis CI before moving to GitHub Actions with…
Beyond projects: Boost your entire work cycle with the work management software OpenProject

Beyond projects: Boost your entire work cycle with the work management software OpenProject

How much of your time do you REALLY spend on projects? - Many people think and plan in terms of projects, but at the same time, a huge amount of their day-to-day work is done outside of projects: For instance…
How Santa organizes the present distribution around the world

How Santa organizes the present distribution around the world

Every year, Santa Claus takes care of the distribution of countless presents worldwide. What he used to record in Excel until a few years ago, he now successfully manages with the open source project management…
Installing OpenProject – with Helm Charts, packages and Docker

Installing OpenProject – with Helm Charts, packages and Docker

OpenProject currently offers various installation methods to meet the different needs and environments of users. Whether you want to set up a Kubernetes cluster with Helm Charts, prefer traditional packages…
Project management methodologies and frameworks for OpenProject

Project management methodologies and frameworks for OpenProject

Are you looking for a suitable software for your project management methodology? The OpenProject software offers a wide range of features and is well suited for many methodologies. Get an overview of which…
Secure project management software with servers in Germany

Secure project management software with servers in Germany

The server location is a relevant criterion when looking for software: If you choose a software provider from the EU with servers in the EU, you can rely on EU data protection (GDPR). Especially with project…
How to easily create a professional project management plan

How to easily create a professional project management plan

Creating a project management work plan can be quite time-consuming, especially in the public sector. You really have so much more important work to do than styling and editing a 50-pages project management…
Engineering project management with OpenProject: Collaborate seamlessly

Engineering project management with OpenProject: Collaborate seamlessly

Everyday work in engineering is characterized by projects that have to be well organized and run routinely. A suitable project management system must enable different teams to collaborate efficiently.…
Tutorial de primeros pasos de OpenProject

Tutorial de primeros pasos de OpenProject

¡Le damos la bienvenida a OpenProject! En este artículo encontrará respuestas a sus preguntas como nuevo usuario o administrador del sistema OpenProject.…
Passion project: A Glossary for understanding important terms

Passion project: A Glossary for understanding important terms

OpenProject is an open source software – with many features, modules and possibilities for users to successfully collaborate and manage projects. With a wide variety of features comes a great deal of complexity…