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Conseils - Page 3

How to integrate OpenProject and GitHub

How to integrate OpenProject and GitHub

OpenProject makes it possible to integrate GitHub, so the planning and specifications of a development project are better integrated with the development side of things. With this integration, you can…
OpenProject vs Trello

OpenProject vs Trello

Trello is a very popular and intuitive project management and issue tracking software tool. It is especially suitable for Kanban project management methodology. In 2017 it was acquired by Atlassian and…
OpenProject – the user friendly alternative to Redmine

OpenProject – the user friendly alternative to Redmine

OpenProject vs. Redmine: A comparison of OpenProject to Redmine shows how both tools now differ in design and usability even though they have the same roots.…
OpenProject: the open source Taiga alternative

OpenProject: the open source Taiga alternative

Taiga is an open source project management software that supports agile teams.…
Project management software made in Germany

Project management software made in Germany

Depending on where your software provider’s head office is located, the respective legal basis for data processing and storage applies.…
Pourquoi choisir un logiciel de gestion de projet Open Source ?

Pourquoi choisir un logiciel de gestion de projet Open Source ?

Vous regardez différentes solutions logicielles de gestion de projet et les comparez pour savoir laquelle choisir ? OpenProject est le chef de file des logiciels de gestion de projet Open Source et supporte…
L'engagement d'OpenProject pour la confidentialité et la sécurité des données

L'engagement d'OpenProject pour la confidentialité et la sécurité des données

Le but d’OpenProject est d’améliorer les résultats d’une équipe de projet. Il s’agit de mettre en réseau des personnes afin qu’elles puissent efficacement collaborer en vue d’atteindre un objectif commun…
Multi-factor authentication to improve data security

Multi-factor authentication to improve data security

Working with a project management software has probably made you very aware of data security and privacy because project management includes dealing with a lot of sensitive information - from business…
Why to choose an open source cloud software?

Why to choose an open source cloud software?

Open source cloud software can be a very appealing, superior solution. Let us discuss why and in what case.…
Best practices for SaaS application security

Best practices for SaaS application security

The biggest concern when considering a SaaS application is data security. Is your data secure? Who has access to your data? What if the data center gets hit by a natural disaster or fire?…
Logiciel de gestion de projet cloud - OpenProject

Logiciel de gestion de projet cloud - OpenProject

Le cloud computing rend le stockage, les serveurs, les bases de données, le réseau ou les logiciels disponibles à distance dans le cloud ou l’espace virtuel. Cela permet aux utilisateurs d’accéder à toutes…