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Funktionen - Page 2

Preview: OpenProject 13.1 – Automatic meeting agendas and more

Preview: OpenProject 13.1 – Automatic meeting agendas and more

Our next major release is planned for December 2023 – offering some great new features, like automatic meeting agendas, sharing single work packages with users outside your team and a long awaited integration…
News from the product desk: Calendar subscriptions

News from the product desk: Calendar subscriptions

Starting with OpenProject 13.0, you can now synchronize your work packages with external calendar clients like Open-Xchange, Mozilla Thunderbird, Google Calendar and Apple Calendar. Calendar subscriptions…
How to create the best dashboard for your project

How to create the best dashboard for your project

Project management is all about getting organized. What tasks are due this week? Where is my help needed? To best answer these kinds of questions, you need one overview page to display everything important…
Passion project: A time tracking button to simplify recording of working time

Passion project: A time tracking button to simplify recording of working time

If you need to track your working time for various reasons, e.g. if you want to track your total working time, if you want to track the time spent on different tasks, or if you are paid per hour - you…
Passion projects: 6 small improvements with big benefit

Passion projects: 6 small improvements with big benefit

During our passion time in Switzerland this June, we accomplished to create and develop a bunch of great features for OpenProject. In the last weeks, we already presented some of the projects we are passionate…
OpenProject 13.0: Great features will come this summer

OpenProject 13.0: Great features will come this summer

Here comes a big preview on OpenProject 13.0: Stay informed and plan ahead! Some great features will be released with 13.0 this summer and enhance your daily work with OpenProject even more. With OpenProject…
Passion project: Introduce OpenProject Command Line Interface (CLI)

Passion project: Introduce OpenProject Command Line Interface (CLI)

A command line interface (CLI) is a text-based user interface (UI) that allows users to run programs, manage computer files, and interact with the computer. CLIs accept only keyboard input as commands…
Neuigkeiten vom Produkt-Desk: PDF-Export von Arbeitsplänen

Neuigkeiten vom Produkt-Desk: PDF-Export von Arbeitsplänen

TLDR: Projektteams verbringen viel Zeit damit, Arbeitspläne manuell in Textverarbeitungsprogrammen zu erstellen. Intelligente Teams sollten sich eher auf Inhalte als auf Textformatierung konzentrieren…
Arbeitszeit erfassen und Projekte verwalten – in einem System

Arbeitszeit erfassen und Projekte verwalten – in einem System

Müssen Sie die Arbeitszeit Ihres Teams oder Ihre eigene erfassen und dokumentieren? Tools zur Arbeitszeiterfassung gibt es inzwischen so einige auf dem Markt. Warum machen Sie es sich nicht einfach und…
OpenProject und Nextcloud: Eine starke Kombination für Projektmanagement an Universitäten

OpenProject und Nextcloud: Eine starke Kombination für Projektmanagement an Universitäten

An der Universität Duisburg-Essen entsteht der FutureWaterCampus, der Wissenschaftler und Expertinnen aus unterschiedlichen Bereichen zusammenbringt. Um die Arbeit der Teams effizienter und sicherer zu…
Deadline management made easy: Use customized date alerts!

Deadline management made easy: Use customized date alerts!

Do you know the nagging feeling of missing an important deadline? With automized deadline management, you can say goodbye to this feeling and enjoy a more relaxed work environment. OpenProject offers you…